Solar Mall

Innovative Solutions
in the Field of Wind
and Solar Energy

Solar Mall

Our Mission is to Bring the Energy Transition all Over the World.

About Us

Driving The Future of Renewable Energy

Our solar mall provides a wide range of solar products for retail and commercial users.

Our objective is to provide customers with easy access to solar energy & reduce their dependency on traditional sources of energy.

All the Solar products are manufactured by high class producers, using the most recent solar technologies to deliver optimal results.

Our products are tested and certified as per leading industry certification standards, and have carved a strong market position in a short span of time.


Our Vision is to provide high quality and cost effective sustainable energy solutions across
all the markets, reducing carbon foot print –
paving way for sustainable energy thereby improving quality of present and future human life.
For us, innovation and customer satisfaction are the most important factors.


Keeping the customers at the center of all we do.
We strive for continuous improvement in the quality of our products & services.
Sustainable growth with a focus on profitability and market leadership.
Creating an empowered workforce driven by passion & purpose. Leadership with Care.

Core Values


Safety is core value over which no business objective can have a higher priority.


Building future ready skill sets through learning & training. Maximize usage of e-learning platform.


Be a market leader for all our products.


Care for our Customers and Stakeholders- Both existing and potential, our community and our people


Achieve the most admired standards of Ethics, through Integrity and Mutual Trust.

Contact us Today

Power Your Life With Sunshine

Recent Projects

Latest Projects, Solutions And Energy Supplies

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Team Members

Meet Our Industry Experts

Izek Reuthe

Field Officer

Alina Mareha

Assitant Manager

Zack Clark

Marketing Manager

Kene Castellon

Team Director
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